For our latest return to the fan favorite plane of Innistrad, I contributed to the creation of one of Magic’s best trailers, garnering an incredible like to dislike ratio, as well as over 18M views on its first week, beating total views for our fan’s previous favorite trailer (War of the Spark).

I was involved in the concept’s inception collaborating to define our main tagline, goals, attending brainstorms, writers’ rooms, and of course providing guidance and feedback from animatic, casting, music, sound fx, motion capture, voice recording, concept art, 3D model, animation, LRC, to final.

Our tagline landing on “Become What You Fear”, we wanted to focus on telling a gothic horror tale that would be heart wrenching with a touch of redemption and justice served. Some fans say this trailer contains the most satisfying ending. I agree!

My favorite part of working on a project like this for a year, is the moment that it finally goes live and we get amazing reactions such as this one: